Dear colleagues and scholars, We are pleased to announce the publication of the first issue of the Macedonian Historical Review, a new scholarly journal devoted to the history of Macedonia and the Balkans. This first issue of the journal, prepared under the auspices of the Institute of History at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje, has been published on the milestone of the 90th anniversary of the establishment of the Faculty. The editorial board set itself the task of making the journal open to all aspects of Macedonian, Balkan and world historiography, so as to follow the trends of contemporary historiography, as well as to contribute in making Macedonian historiography a part of those trends. The preliminary aim of the editorial board is for the articles in the journal to deal with topics connected with Macedonian history, as well as with the history of the area of greater south-eastern Europe. One of the reasons for the publication of the Macedonian Historical Review is the aim to have the journal act as a forum where research findings can be made public, as well as a place where the historiographic academic community will be informed about the latest achievements in the field of history, both in terms of methodology and content-wise. We hope that the different profiles of the contributors, as well as the articles dealing with a variety of topics and aspects will help to make this journal of first-class quality. Research articles will be invited on all aspects of the history of Macedonia and the Balkans from antiquity to our times, including studies of classical and modern scholarship of the various topics covered by the field of study mentioned above. Thus, the journal will contain the standard columns for this type of academic publication, such as: articles and papers, discussions, essays, biographies, bibliographies, reviews, summaries, and so on. The articles will be published in the world congress languages in the widest sense, so as to be more accessible to the wider academic community, as well as to the devotees of history who will have the opportunity to read them in an electronic version. In the beginning, the journal will be published annually, with the possibility of this happening more frequently in the upcoming period. The Macedonian Historical Review continues to move in the direction of the current achievements of Macedonian historiography, as well as similar journals that exist here, which deal with historical topics and issues. The editorial board sincerely hopes that the quality of the articles, as well as the contributors’ serious and thorough approach will spark an interest in the historiographic academic community, thus helping to establish a long and frugal scholar cooperation. Skopje, December 2010 The Editorial Board of the Macedonian Historical Review