Nathalie Del Socorro |
7–14 |
Wouter Vanacker |
Indigenous Insurgence in the Central Balkan during the Principate |
15–40 |
Valerie C. Cooper |
Archeological Evidence of Religious Syncretism in Thasos, Greece during the Early Christian Period |
41–64 |
Diego Peirano |
Some Observations about the Form and Settings of the Basilica of Bargala |
65–84 |
Denitsa Petrova |
La conquête ottomane dans les Balkans, reflétée dans quelques chroniques courtes |
85–94 |
Elica Maneva |
95–116 |
Dimitar Ljorovski Vamvakovski |
117–132 |
Straško Stojanovski |
National Ideology and Its Transfer: Late Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian Relations |
133–152 |
Nikola Minov |
153–192 |
Сергей Иванович Mихальченко |
Королевство Сербов, Хорватов и Словенцев глазами русского эмигранта: традиции и политика |
193–202 |
Borče Ilievski |
203–218 |
Irena Stawowy-Kawka |
Albanians in the Republic of Macedonia in the years 1991–2000 |
219–238 |