Guidelines for authors
Филозофија/Filozofija publishes relevant philosophical articles across a wide spectrum of philosophical disciplines, including the history of philosophy, logic, epistemology, ethics, aesthetics, anthropology, political philosophy, philosophy of language, philosophy of law, philosophy of religion, philosophy of science etc. The journal publishes articles that have not been previously published. The manuscripts submitted to Филозофија/Filozofija should not be currently under consideration with another journal. The opinions expressed in published articles are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not reflect the opinion of the editors, or members of the editorial and advisory board. PUBLICATION FREQUENCY Филозофија/Filozofija publishes two issues per year, on June, 30 and December, 30. LANGUAGES OF PUBLICATION The Journal invites contributions in Macedonian, English, French, German, Russian, Spanish and Italian. The authors should submit their papers in proofread versions. For authors submitting papers in language(s) other than their first language, it is strongly suggested that the editing of the text be done by a native speaker of the language(s) in which the paper is written. JOURNAL SECTIONS Each issue contains research articles related to the specific topic ofthat issue, a Varia section with articles not related to the topic, and a Book Reviews section. Besides that, some issues may contain sections on philosophical discussions, conference reports, book abstracts etc. LENGTH OF TEXTS The length of texts submitted for publication should be between 20.000-40.000 characters for articles and 8.000 -15.000 characters for book reviews. CITATIONS AND LIST OF REFERENCES References should conform to the MLA (Modern Language Association) style (MLA Flandbook for Writers of Research Papers, 7th ed. (2009)). PEER REVIEW PROCESS Papers submitted for publication should be prepared for blind reviewing: the author(s) should remove all information that could reveal their identity from the body of the paper, the notes and the references. The name, affiliation and contact information of the author(s) should be provided on a separate page. Papers are refereed by two anonymous reviewers. Authors will be notified by email if their text is accepted for publication, recommended for revision, or rejected. RIGHTS All rights remain with the authors. Authors retain the right to republish their articles with a note indicating that they were first published in the journal Филозофија/Filozofija.